Daily Challenges

Daily Challenge 4/24/2017
        Sit down and read for 15 minutes everyday this week. I am not a fan of reading, but I have found that reading daily improves my mindset greatly. It helps you learn and keeps your mind churning. I am not saying you have to a read a story but pick something that you're interested in. Or something that will provide you with knowledge.
Daily Challenge 4/21/2017
        I know I have been slacking! Today try out this ab superset↓

  • 4 rounds
    • Ab Rollouts: 10-15
    • Weighted Crunches: 10-15
  • Do the reps depending on your ability. Push yourself and build some abz for summer!👍

Daily Tip 4/18/2017
        Time under tension. A muscle grows while it is being put under tension, or stress is being put onto it. For this reason, try some time under tension reps. These are super slow and controlled repetitions with a very hard contraction at the top of the movement. Really work that mind to muscle connection and focus while performing the exercise.
Daily Challenge 4/14/201

4 rounds of

  • Box Jumps- 20
  • Burpees- 10
Alternate back and forth and take as little rest as possible between sets. This doesn't look tough but it'll make you sweat like a dog!

Daily Challenge 4/13/2017
                       I am challenging you to do something out of your comfort zone today! Workout related or not, do something that you normally wouldn't do. Something that intimidates you and that will make you feel uncomfortable. Uncomort=growth, and that growing is what it's all about!
Daily Challenge 4/12/2017
               Try some weighted crunches today. 4 sets of 25 (100 total) and use a plate that you can manage. I suggest a 25 lb plate or lower. Simply put it behind your head, put your feet on a bench and then just crunch up enough to get your shoulder blades off the ground. These will burn and thicken up those abs!      
Daily Tip 4/11/2017
             On your next shoulder day try bent over side raises. Really work on targetting those rear delts, which is a very undertrained area for most people. Make sure to keep your back flat and lift completely lateral. Do not lift the weight backwards. Also, turn your hand so it's turned inwards a little. It should be close to the same position your wrist would be if dumping water out of a cup. It helps isolate the muscle and that's how you get complete growth!!
Daily Challenge 4/10/2017
               Do something to benefit yourself for the future today. Sit down and write out a plan about how you'll accomplish/achieve something. For example, I have 6 weeks until my photoshoot. So I am writing out my next 6 week plan on how I'll hit my goal weight of 160 by May 21st. Do something now to benefit yourself in the future! Let's change the game guys. 
Daily Challenge 4/8/17
              Read todays "Look in the Mirror" and then take some progress pictures. This will play a big role in being able to physcially see your results and that's big time. Seeing those results can motivate you more than anything. 
Daily Challenge 4/7/17
            Do some slow and controlled tempo reps during your workout today. This means, when lowering the weight count to 5. Pause for a split second and then count to 5 as you raise the weight and then make sure to fully contract the muscle. Squeeze as hard as you can! I did some of these today and the pump is real. Do these and let's change the game! TGIF
Daily Challenge 4/6/17
             Today I challenge to sit down and write out a small plan for how you're going to achieve your goal that you set last week. Think about how you can achieve that step by step so that you can achieve it! Nothing is impossible is you give complete devotion to it. I highly encourage you to physcially write out or type, the small steps to achieving you're larger goal.
Daily Challenge 4/5/17
            I challenge you to do my leg workout from today and see what my workouts are like, if you like it then email me. It will kick your butt I guarantee it. Good luck!
Daily Challenge 4/4/17
          Don't let yourself miss today. Don't let yourself stop at 7 reps when you're supposed to be doing 8. Do 100% of the workout and don't cheat! Push yourself to your full limit if you want the benefits, they don't just happen.
Daily Challenge 4/3/17
         I know I was slacking this weekend guys, my bad. But it's Monday and it's the beginning of a new week! Fresh start, if you're looking for that opportunity to finally start changing your life fitness wise, this is the day. Today I am not giving you one specific challenge, but I am challenging you to make a commitment to yourself to finally get the ball rolling. And if you already have, then that's great. However, there is always the opportunity to take it one step further. Kill your workout today and stay focused and off your phone! Don't let your phone become a distraction during your workout, devote an hour to yourself! Today is the day, as Arnold once said "The longest journey starts with one step"
Daily Challenge 3/31/17
         Do 100 bodyweight squats in as little amount of sets possible. Just like the pullups! I can generally get these in about two sets, but it burns and you're legs will get such a good pump. If you do these and then lunge like recommended your legs will be on fireeeeee! Pain is gain, if it's easy it is not working. It's Friday so push yourself a little, don't take the day off.
Daily Challenge 3/30/17
         Guys summer is close and I know everyone wants abs so today I'm gonna give you two challenges. 1) Eat super clean today, try not to let yourself cheat at all. This means, no pop, no candy, no junk food and no unmindful snacking. I was awful at that and now that I've cut it out and been following a closer diet, I am experiencing the benefits and trust me, it's worth giving up those 10 minute cravings. I GUARANTEE you will wake up at a lighter weight tomorrow. 2) Try this ab circuit for 4 total rounds, continuously moving from one exercise to the next and only taking a break between rounds.
-Bicycle crunch: 30 seconds, Alt. Leg raise- 30 seconds, Drumbeats- 30 seconds x 4 rounds
This will only take you about 8 minutes if you do it without resting too much, and it'll shred your abs up. Make sure to subscribe and check back in tonight for my photoshoot update, have a good day!
Daily Challenge 3/29/17
        For today, I'm going to challenge you outside of the gym.  Sit down and physcially write out 3-5 goals that you have for yourself. Whether this be in fitness or your personal life, write them down. Next, give your self a date that you want to complete it by. For example, mine is weigh 160 pounds by May 21st. It will give you urgency and something to work for! When you start losing motivation, it's time to find a new goal. Make sure to subscribe and check back in later tonight for a daily review of my training log.
Daily Challenge 3/28/17
       Today I want you to try and do 50 Pull Ups in as few sets as possible! Do this at the beginning of your workout in order to warm up your lats and upper body. Last week it took me 5 sets, this week it only took me 4! Consistency is key! See if you can beat me, but make sure to get a full range of motion. Don't cheat yourself, otherwise you won't get the full benefits.
       If you can not do pull ups, just like I couldn't two years ago. Then do 5 sets of 8 negative pull ups. This means that you jump up, grab the bar and then go down as slowly as possible! If you continue to do this then you'll be knocking out pull ups in no time.
Daily Challenge 3/27/17
        Lunge for 200-400 meters AFTER your workout today. I do 800 meters 5 days a week and it has helped my hip and back probelms tremendously. Whenever I squat, my hips are much more flexible and my knees don't hurt anymore. My lower back has also been a problem my entire life, yet since I have started to do walking lunges, that pain has subsided.
        Not only will this help out your knee/back pain, it'll speed up your metabolism. Everyday I eat until I'm full (only quality food, not junk) and an hour afterwards I'm already hungry. Speeding up your metabolism is a key when trying to get that summer cut. It'll make your legs look good when it's time for lake days too. And we all know that's a good thing, ha!
        Give these a shot and if you're brave enough, do it 4-5 times a week and let the results show themselves. Make sure to follow or subscribe and I'll be back tomorrow with more. Consistency is key, don't let yourself miss.


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