Day 50... 2 weeks out
BW- 164.2
14 days out

Rest day
Two weeks out.. And feeling in great position to hit my goal on May 21st. Gonna try to keep food pretty clean throughout the week. My mom’s wedding is this weekend, so Friday and Saturday will not be the best when it comes to food. I’ll try to add in some extra HIIT or lunges throughout this week in order to prepare for the upcoming weekend.
Falling in love with the process though, I am excited to reverse diet and add some mass post shoot though. There is no better feeling than seeing results.
Diet- Refeed Day
10am- 2 fat burners, 2 piece of Ezekiel bread w/ PB, 3 eggs
1-1:30pm- Ground turkey (8 oz), bag of green beans, 1 avocado
6-7pm- same as lunch
Before Bed- 1 banana w/ PB
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