5/5/2017 BW- 161.8 16 days out Training- Warm Up- Front Squats- 4x3:135 Exercise- Deadlift- 5, 5, 3, 3: 225, 275, 300, 315, 315 Superset- 5 sets Bent Over Row- 5: 115x5 Wide Grip Pullups- 10 Superset- 5 sets Straight Arm Pulldown- 10:20x5 Bent Over Fly's- 10:15,15,10,15 Superset- 5 sets Lat Pulldown-10: 90x5 Chest supported DB row-10:30x5 Superset- 3 sets BB Shrugs- 15:135 Arnold Press- 10:30 Competition HIIT- 4 Rounds(11 minutes) Deadlift-10:135 Box Jumps-12:6 boxes Squats- 12:135 Abs- Hanging side raises-20 Woodchoppers-20 Diet- Gonna be tricky because of my Mom’s wedding this weekend. Will update the blog on Sunday with everything eating wise. 7am- 2 fat burners 1pm- Ground chicken (12 oz), can of green beans, a couple almonds 7pm- Don’t know yet No spike *I’m doing this so that I am fasting from dinner time Friday night all the way until Saturday morning.