This morning, weighing 160. First Day of my cut, BW around 185-190 *Both are unflexed 5/17/17 BW- 160.0 4 days out Training- Warm Up- Just stretch Calves Exercise- 10 sets, 60 sec rest Heavy Squats-3: 135, 155, 185, 205x5 Superset- 5 rounds Leg Curl- 10 each leg: 25 5 sec negative Stiff Leg DL- 10: 135 Tri-set- 5 rounds Dead stop Front Squat- 5: 115 Leg Press- 5: 270 Leg Ext.- 10 each leg: 25 5 sec negative Lunge 10 Min:20 pound vest Abs- 4 rounds Back Extensions w/ vest-20 GHD crunches w/ vest-20 Review- Bodyweight hit 160.0 today so I’m pretty hype. Will continue to keep my veggies cut until Thursday or Friday. This week has been pretty low carbs, but I can’t wait to see how I fill out after i “carb load.” And I use that term very loosely. Still trying to determine which carbs I should use but I guess I’ll have to figure it out soon! Goin