It doesn't just happen

A lot of people that I talk to, and even myself, get discouraged so easily when they don't see immediate results. Now, I understand this can get frustrating and discouraging but it doesn't just happen. Progress takes work and effort, and perfect execution. Everybody has a different set up when it comes to body type, so it takes time to learn how your body reacts to different food. This is when you get great results. As soon as you can crack down on a diet that works and gets your body in a system you will see results. But you can't expect to do it all in one day, it should take time. You aren't going to loose 10 pounds in a day and you won't increase your bench by 100 pounds over night. It takes effort and as soon as you start giving all of your effort, you will get the results you want.

So don't be discouraged! Just know that it will take day after day of work but it comes down to understanding how great it will feel to accomplish your goal, this is why it's so worth it. You can't do 50% of the work and expect 100% of the results. You can't skip your walking lunges/cardio, because you will not get the full benefit if you're not doing them. Stay motivated and be goal driven, if I can do it, you guys can too.


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