6 Weeks Out..

Date- 4/9/17
BW- 170.8
42 Days out

  • Light cardio on bike
  • Forearms
  • Stretch

BW is up higher than it’s been awhile, I didn’t follow my diet protocols much at all last night. Feel pretty frustrated with myself for that but I know tomorrow I’ll have my BW back down to normal. Want to be around 166 by the end of the week. Gonna start trying out cardio on the bike/treadmill 3 nights a week, only 6 weeks left so i’m trying to dial it in. If I see good results with cardio at night then I will continue to do that throughout the rest of my cut.

Back to normal today
1PM- Salad (Chicken, egg, broccoli, lettuce) and Campbell's Sirloin Burger soup with veggies
6PM- same as lunch, but some extra turkey
10pm- 1 Banana and Peanut Butter, protein

New goal is to have only 1 cheat a week now. The ideal situation is for me to have no cheats until May 13th (mom’s wedding). I know I’ll cheat on that weekend, which is the weekend before my shoot. So I wanna try and get as low as possible before then. Trying to reduce my cheats as much as possible and to make them “healthier” cheats. Which means no pizza or anything with lots of bread.

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