CHEAT DAY (Day 21)

Date- 4/8/17
BW- 168.4
43 days out

  • Stretch
  • Exercise- 10 sets
    • Cable Curls- 10
  • Exercise- 10 sets
    • Tricep Ext- 10
      • First 5 sets overhand, second 5 sets underhand
  • Superset- 4 sets
    • Barbell Curls- 21 method
      • *7 bottom, 7 top, 7 full
    • BW Skullcrushers-8
  • Exercise- 4 sets
    • Preacher Curls- 8
    • Bench Dips- Fail
  • Superset- 4 sets
    • Concentration Curl- 15
      • *use 1 and a half method
    • 1 arm tricep ext-15
  • Lunge 200-400 M
  • Abs
    • Weighted Crunches- 25
    • Jump Mountain Climbers- 30 seconds

Okay so I ended up going out to eat last night at chili’s, I did not want to cheat yesterday but it is what it is. However, my cheat was not all that bad! I ate my normal food, except I had rice and chips/salsa. In turn of that, I cut out my banana w/pb at night. I also ate a ton of peanuts yesterday, I’m talking over 1,000 cals in peanuts, lol. So yesterday was a very high calorie day, and I woke up only a couple ounces heavier. I woke up heavier at 168.4, that is a win to me.
Last week my lowest weight was 168.5 and now after my small cheat, I am under that. I also looked really leaned out and I feel great being all carbed up, ha! The mirror is the best judge, don’t worry too much about that number.


7am- Preworkout
9am- amino acids
12:30- Carrots, salad (chicken, lettuce, egg, tuna), turkey
6pm- Going out to eat, I’ll eat pretty close to my normal meal

10pm- Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tart and PB

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