Weekend Review, Gamplan for Next four weeks

Hey guys, been off my game lately. Was pretty hectic being easter weekend and being home, so I didn't update as much as I should have. I still tracked myself, but I did not post on here.

Weekend Review-
This weekend I didn't really cheat all too much. Friday night I ate normal but I gave myself some chips and salsa. Also, instead of banana and peanut butter, I made a strawberry pineapple smoothie.

Which had, strawberries, pineapples, milk, and peanut butter (of course).
Saturday night I cheated and ate chiptole (which still isn't that bad for a cheat), and then for my carb spike I had some jello cake and a toaster strudel.

I weighed 166 saturday morning! So I did hit my goal weight of 166 for the week. After my cheats on Saturday, I woke up at 167.6. Now these were on a different scale, so it might have weighed a little bit lighter than the one I normally use.

This morning I woke up at 167.8, which is great because I ate a lot of hame yesterday (high in sodium, which causes water weight) and that's almost 3 pounds lighter from last Monday.

Gamplan for next 4 weeks
I have 34 days until the shoot, which I am just calling four weeks, because I will mix it up the week of the shoot.

Starting this week, I will start incorporating some HIIT 3x week instead of lunges to see how that goes. I'll lunge Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and do HIIT on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Also starting this week, I'll no longer be using dressing on my salads. I'll also be eating more mixed veggies and more nuts. No more ham and strictly chicken and eggs for my protein. Now that my BW is getting lower, everything counts. Cutting out that dressing will eliminate sugar/carbs from my daily diet. Even though I was using a reduced calorie dressing, this could be holding me back.

Goal Weight For this week: 165


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